
Niu Lizhi from Guangdong, China Being Elected as the Only Vice Chairman of International Society of Cryosurgery (ISC)

The 18th World Congress of International Society of Cryosurgery was held in Kanazawa, Japan from November 25 to November 27, 2015. Over 200 representatives from dozens of countries including America, England, Japan, Russia and China attended the congress with over 80 papers presented. Representatives from Chinese PLA General Hospital, Fuda Cancer Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, The First Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Cancer Research Institute of Shandong University, the Second People’s Hospital of Shenzhen, and Cancer Research Institute of Fudan University delivered speeches on the congress.

Three experts, namely Prof. Korpan from Austria, Prof. Xu Kecheng from China and Prof. Sumida from Japan were specially invited to deliver keynote speeches. Prof. Xu Kecheng from Guangzhou, China illustrated the application of cryosurgery in cancer treatment, including radical cure of early stage tumor, reduction of tumor load, cryosurgery-assisted resection and pain alleviation. He laid emphasis on the application of NanoKnife therapy for pancreatic cancer. He proposed that the combination of cryosurgery and NanoKnife therapy is the best approach for tumor ablation at present.

On the Congress, the council of ISC smoothly completed the general election. On the closing ceremony, Prof. Xu Kecheng, President of 18th World Congress of ISC and President of the 17th council of ISC handed over the flag and seal of the society to Prof. Isoda from Nagoya University. The new Council was established in the warm applause from all representatives. Prof. Isoda was elected as President of ISC while Prof. Niu Lizhi from Guangzhou Fuda Cancer Hospital was elected as the only Vice President of the ISC.

The new Council of ISC consists of 21 representatives from America, England, Japan, Russia and etc., among which there are 6 members from China, including Prof. Xiao Yueyong from Chinese PLA General Hospital, Prof. Li Wentao from Cancer Research Institute of Fudan University, Prof. Xu Kecheng and Prof. Niu Lizhi from Fuda Cancer Hospital, Prof. Zhao Zhenlin from the Second People’s Hospital of Shenzhen, and Prof. Li Dinggang from Beijing Daopei Hospital. Representatives from China and Japan hold the most seats of the Council.

Prof. Korpan from Austria, honorary President of ISC presented the Special Award of Cryosurgery for Cancer as a token of recognition of his tremendous contribution in developing world cryosurgery medicine and cryosurgery treatment.

Prof. Xu Kecheng, on behalf of the 17th Council presented the trophy and bonus to those who have made great achievement in the field of cancer cryosurgery. Prof. Tsuchiya from Kanazawa University, Japan won the Gold Award, Prof. Li Jiaping from Sun Yat-sen University, China the Silver Award and Doctor Yaron from Israel the Bronze Award.

The International Society of Cryosurgery has gone through 43 years since its initiation in 1972. In 2007, over 100 Chinese representatives attended the 14th World Congress of ISC held in Beijing. The 14th World Congress started with the report delivered by Prof. Zhang Jiren who firstly introduced Argon-Helium cryosurgery from America. The report covered the status quo of cryosurgery in China. Over 10,000 cases of patients have received cryosurgery, among which Fuda Cancer Hospital has done the most cases (over 2,000 cases) mainly on liver cancer and pancreatic cancer; PLA Navy General Hospital went the second with over 1,000 cases mainly on lung cancer. The treatment experience of the two hospitals above attracted the attention of all representatives. Prof. Xu Kecheng and Dr. Niu Lizhi from Fuda Cancer Hospital, Prof. Feng Huasong from PLA Navy General Hospital, Prof. Qian Guojun from Shanghai Eastern Hepatobiliary Hospital won Special Contribution Award for Cryosurgery on the Congress.

In 2009, the 15th World Congress of ISC was held in St. Petersburg, Russia. The first special topic was “the best Cryosurgery Center in the World”, during which Fuda Cancer Hospital of China and Mayo Clinic from America were invited to make speeches. The topic of the second day is “Cryosurgery for Pancreatic Cancer at FUDA” with an emphasis on introducing FUDA’s taking a lead in carrying out cryosurgery for pancreatic cancer.

In 2011, the 16th World Congress of ISC was held in Vienna, Austria. A Chinese delegation with 32 experts led by Prof. Xu Kecheng from China attended the Congress. Xu Kecheng, Xiao Yueyong, Niu Lizhi were elected as the executive member of the Council. Xu Kecheng was elected as Vice President of ISC. Xu Kecheng, Niu Lizhi, Chen Jibing, Wang Hongwu and Xiao Yueyong from China won awards.
In 2012, Xu Kecheng and Prof. Sumida initiated to establish the Asian Society of Cryosurgery with registration in Hongkong and the legal chairman of the Society as Prof. Xu Kecheng. The Society set up a council which was firstly headed by Prof. Xiao Yueyong.

In the same year, Modern Cryosurgery for Cancer (English Edition) co-edited by Xu Kecheng, Korpan, Niu Lizhi was published by World Scientific Press and released across the world. The monograph has been collected by Libraries of University of Oxford and National Library of America. As of now, the first edition has been sold out and the second edition is about to release.

In 2013, the 17th World Congress of ISC was held in Bali, Indonesia. Prof. Xu Kecheng from China was elected as President of ISC. In the past two years, ISC has hosted three international forums on cancer in Guangzhou and Shenzhen with a focus on cryosurgery for cancer, cryo-immunity and immunotherapy and etc, which has attracted the attention of experts from many countries around the world.

China has made remarkable achievement in the field of cryosurgery, which has attracted the world’s attention. On the 18th World Congress of the ISC, Dr. Javorsky from Massachusetts General Hospital of Medical School of Harvard University believed that “China has undoubtedly reached the world’s highest level in terms of practice and experience in cryosurgery for cancer.”

