
Thanks for your company in the way of fighting cancer

In the morning of September 25, Guangdong Provincial Light of Life Society of Cancer Rehabilitation held an award ceremony named “Thanks for Your Company” for celebrating the 24th anniversary of society’s establishment on Shiyigong Rongquan Theatre at Guangzhou.

The anniversary ceremony was co-organized by Guangzhou Fuda Cancer Hospital and other medical enterprises. Former secretary general of Red Cross Society of Guangdong Province Yang Rong’en, Guangzhou Fuda Cancer Hospital general manager Liu Jianguo participated in the ceremony and delivered speeches. Society awarded “5-year Anti-cancer Hero” to 238 members, “10-year Anti-cancer Hero” to 101 members and “15-year Anti-cancer Hero” to 50 members. Among them, there are 52 men who have fought against cancer for over 26 years.

Guangdong Provincial Light of Life Society of Cancer Rehabilitation has developed for 24 years. There are about 5 thousand members in the society now. The survival rate of members is more than 80%. Their members come from all parts of Guangdong, from all walks of life. In the way of fighting cancer, they never stop moving forward and prove that cancer is not equal with death with actions.

As Light of Life Society of Cancer Rehabilitation’s partner, Guangzhou Fuda Cancer Hospital has provided services like treatments, rehabilitation and experts’ consultation for cancer patients of the society. Chief president of Guangzhou Fuda Cancer Hospital and honorary chairman of Light of Life Society of Cancer Rehabilitaion Prof. Xu Kecheng especially sent his best blessings to the society.
General manager of Guangzhou Fuda Cancer Hospital Liu Jianguo gave speech on stage.

Three points of Guangzhou Fuda Cancer Hospital’s general manager Liu Jianguo’s feelings of Light of Life Society of Cancer Rehabilitation were expressed in his speech:

“The first feeling is moving. Light of Life (abbreviation of Light of Life Society of Cancer Rehabilitation) is a respectable non-profit organization with a large number of warm-hearted people who devote their time and energy to offering courage of beating cancer for cancer patients, which makes me moving.

The second is thanking. Light of Life Society has been established for 24 years. Thanks to the support and helps of government and all circles of the community, society can go further.

The third is gratitude. I’d like to express my gratitude to members of Light of Life Society’s trusts to staff of Guangzhou Fuda Cancer Hospital. FUDA will guard society members’ health as always.

On “Thanks for Your Company” award ceremony, all programs were performed by members of the society in person. Their wonderful performance won warm applauses from audiences. 

A performer of new members was diagnosed as nasopharyngeal cancer. Just after having chemotherapy, he made up his mind to go to the stage and perform Meeting in the Yurt. He loves singing, and his sonorous singing won applauses from all members. 

According to Aunt Zeng’s introduction, after learning that he has nasopharyngeal cancer, he often felt afraid and confused. Members of Light of Life Society of Cancer Rehabilitation talked to him actively and encouraged him to face up to cancer toughly with their own stories of fighting cancer. And they let him join the society and feel care and warm so that he could get the confidence of fighting cancer again.

Guangdong Provincial Light of Life Society of Cancer Rehabilitation Chairman Ms. Guo Lianyou expressed her vision of society’s development and said that the progress of Light of Life Society couldn’t be made without hard work and unselfish contribution of members. 

A lot of member who are having chemotherapy recently registered for this event actively when they heard about that Light of Life Society would hold it, which is moving.
Group photo of Light of Life Society of Cancer Rehabilitation’s 24th Anniversary 

CeremonyLight of Life Society awards heroes who have fighting against cancer for five years, ten years and fifteen years etc. every year. It provides a stage for them to show themselves and encourages new members and more cancer patients to fight cancer together. In the future, Light of Life Society will affect and influence more cancer patients.

