
The 5th International (Guangzhou) Forum on Cancer Treatment (IFCI) (First Part)

The 5th International (Guangzhou) Forum on Cancer Treatment (IFCT) in conjunction with Founding Conference of International Society of Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine, which was held in Guangzhou Fuda Cancer Hospital on July 2nd , 2016.

It is my first time to attend the Congress which was held in Guangzhou Fuda Cancer Hospital. When i stepped into the hall, there are many experts and medias from different countries to attend the opening ceremony , which make me so excited and amazed about that. 

During the opening ceremony the professor Xu Kecheng did a welcome speech, what most impressive for me is that:

The past two hundred years have witnessed the development of modern cancer treatment. In particular, the recent years and more have seen the deeper understanding of cancer among the public. Moreover, the researches on genetics and protrinology have prompted the development of large number of targeted medicines for cancer. However, there remain huge challenges in the field of cancer treatment. We are still using the conventional technologies to treat most common cancers making few breakthroughs.

The development of imaging technology has prompted the rise of interventional oncology, which marks a remarkable advance in cance treatment. Modern cryoablation which is represented by argon-helium cryosurgery was emerged in the late period of last century. Irreversible Electroporation, came out in recent years, have gained rapid development. Both of the ablation methods have brought hope of life for cancer patients who cannot tolerate surgery or who have unresectable tumors. As an unique therapy, immunotherapy has made itself into new territory for cancer treatment. 

When i heard about that, there was same feeling deep down my heart, i just heard and watch many of cancer patients who benefit from the new cancer treatment, and make them cured or have a long-term survival.

During the meeting, the experts from all over the world to do their keynote speeches and share their new researches of cancer treatments, and what they are talking about is going to a new higher stage of cancer treatment. The subject include:

Section 1: New Thoughts and Strategies on Cancer Treatment.
1. Pancreatic Cancer Research: Gaps and Opportunities.----- Los Angeles, US.

2. Importance of Regulation and Ethics Committee for Cellular Therapy.------ Tokyo, Japan.

3. Testosterone Enhances of the differentiation Efficiency of Insulin-producing Cells from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.------ Guangzhou, China.

4. Combining ERBB4 with TP53 and RAS Sugnaling Predicts Clinical Outcome in Subtypes of Gastric Cancer.------ Beijing, China.

5.  Sleep Disturbances in Cancer Patients. ------- University of California Los Angeles, USA.

Specially Invited Speeches: Voice of Patients
1. Treatment Experience in China. ----- UK

2. New protocol got Cryoablation in Breast Cancer Treatment: what women want and need.------- Oregon, USA

3. Treatment Experience with IRE in Fuda. ------- Philippine

Section 2: Cryoablation Therapy for Cancer

1. The Repetitive Freeze-thaw in Vivo and in Vitro Subculture Method, RFTIVIVSCM to Treat Cancer Patients, and some Evidences from the Mesenchymal Cells Derived from Adipocytes to Support Cancer Therapy.------- Tokyo, Janpan

2. Newly Developed Cryosurgical System Using Thermosiphon: A Fundamental Study and An Animal Experiment.------- Nagoya, Japan

3. A Novel BioCryolmmunological Concept in Science and Medicine: Discovery, Hypothesis & Evolution.------- Vienna, Austria.

5. Application of Catheter Radiofrequency Ablation Combined Stenting in Malignant Bilignant Obstruction------ Guangzhou China.

6. Experience with Skin Cancer Ablation By Intralesional Cryosurgery As well As Executing A live Demonstration. ----- Haifa, Israel

Liquid Nitrogen Based Cryoablation. ----- Caesarea, Israel.

Section 3: Irreversible Electroporation Therapy in Cancer Treatment.

1. Ultrasound Guided IRE for Cancer Treatment.------- Taiwai, China

2. Basic Research and Clinical Application of Irreversible Electroporation Ablation in Cancer Treatment.---------- Beijing, China.

3. Experience in Complication of IRE in Cancer Treatment.---------- Guangzhou, China.

4. Interventional Oncology: The Current Status and Future Direction.----------- Leeds, UK.

5. Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic Surgery for Cancer.--------- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

1. Clinical Application of Stem Cell Transplantation in Pancreatic Surgery.-------- Oxford, UK.
2. Therapeutic Efficacy of Cancer Stem Cell Vaccines in the Adjuvant Setting.------- Michigan, USA.

3. Review to Immune Therapy in Oncology.---------- Beijing, China.

4. Immnotherapy in Lung Cancer in 2016.-------- New York, USA

5. Opinions and Exploration in Multidisciplinary and Personalized Treatment for Cancer.-------- Beijing, China.

6. Clinical Progress of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy in Infertility.--------- Shenzhen, China.

7. Stem Cell Therapy In the Treatment of Cancers.--------- Bangkok, Thailand.

After Listening the content from this international Forum,i know for fighting the various cancer and disease around us, the doctors and experts always try to improve their clinical medical technologies and skills, and try their every effort to save every life from sickness. We can not decide and control the environment we live with, and dont know when the disease may happen to us, but we need to believe whatever bad disease we meet, the human always can find new breakthrough to overcome the troubles. 

