
The Discussion of New Idea for Cancer Treatment

2016 the 5th International (Guangzhou) Forum for Cancer Treatment (IFCT),  was convened at Jinan University Affiliated Fuda Cancer Hospital on July 2. It was organized by International Society of Cryosurgery and Asian Society of Cryosurgery and was undertaken by Jinan University School of Medicine Affiliated Fuda Cancer Hospital, and First Affiliated Hospital of Shenzhen University. Over 200 medical experts from China, the US, the UK, Austria, Israel, Romania, Malaysia and Thailand gathered together to have in-depth discussion on the application of cryosurgery, Irreversible Electroporation (also called NanoKnife) and stem cell in the field of cancer treatment. 

Xu Kecheng, chairman of the current session of forum and chief president of Jinan University School of Medicine Affiliated Fuda Cancer Hospital, noted that Surgical resection, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the three conventional treatments for cancer. Over the past forty years and more, scientists have come to a deeper understanding of cancer. At the same time, the research of genetics and protrinology has prompted the development of targeted drugs for cancer cells. However, there remains huge challenges in the field of cancer treatment. We are still using the conventional technologies to treat most common cancers with few breakthroughs made.
The development of imaging technology has prompted the rise of interventional oncology, which marks a remarkable advance in cancer treatment. Modern cryoablation which is represented by argon-helium cryosurgery was emerged in the late period of last century. Irreversible Electroporation, came out in recent years, have gained rapid development. Both of the ablation methods have brought hope of life for patients who cannot tolerate surgery or who have unresectable tumors. At the forum, several experts shared their experience in performing cryoablation and IRE.
Prof. Nikolai N. Korpan, honorary president of the International Society of Cryosurgery and president of the Austrian Society of Cryosurgery delivered a presentation titled A Novel BioCryoImmunological Concept in Science and Medicine: Discovery, Hypothesis & Evolution, which reviewed the development and the promising prospect of cryosurgery for cancer.

Prof. Huang Kaiwen, director and chief executive of Minimally Invasive Interventional Treatment Center for Cancer, Medical School Affiliated Hospital, Taiwan University, made a presentation titled US Guided IRE for Cancer Treatment. Prof. Xiao Yueyong from Radiology Department, General Hospital of People’s Liberation made a presentation titled Basic Research and Clinical Application of Irreversible Electroporation Ablation in Cancer Treatment. 
During the session of the forum, an IRE operation was also broadcast live. The surgeon was Prof. Niu Lizhi, executive president of Jinan University School of Medicine Affiliated Fuda Cancer Hospital. The patient, a 55-year old Hong Kong SAR resident, had repeated fever since early 2016 and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Moreover, the patient was also found to have right thyroid nodules. On July 2nd, 2016, Prof. Niu Lizhi performed IRE on pancreatic tumor and right thyroid nodules. The procedure went smoothly and intraoperative bleeding was 2ml. 
Prof. Niu Lizhi noted irreversible electroporation (IRE) is a novel mini-invasive technology for tumor ablation. Its rationale goes like as follows: during the procedure, high electric-field and ultrashort pulses are given to destroy lipid bilayer structure of cancer cell membrane and form numerous irreversible nano-sized pores in the cell membrane. Cell membrane permeability will be changed to allow molecules of different sizes free access to cells, which will lead to cell death. It has been approved by America FDA and European Union for clinical application respectively in April and December 2012. In June, 2015, it was approved by Chinese FDA for clinical application. At present, over 6,000 cases of IRE treatments have performed for patients with tumor in parenchymal organs, including pancreas, liver, prostate, etc. It is especially advantageous in treating unresectable liver cancer and pancreatic cancer and tumors that are close to big blood vessels, hepatic hilar region, bile duct, and ureter.

At this forum, the participants reached an consensus that cancer treatment should be getting minimally invasive and based on fundamental experiment study. Only by applying the latest research result can breakthrough be made in cancer treatment. 

